Kerri Irvin-Ross
2011 Manitoba Election Archive
IMPORTANT: The information below is from the 2011 Manitoba Election.
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Incumbent since 2003

Kerri Irvin-Ross incumbent
Political Party: NDP
Phone: (204) 654-4109
Questionnaire: Read Kerri's Response
News that Mentions Kerri Irvin-Ross
Articles are gathered from Google News by searching for the candidate's full name. Learn about this automated news feed.
Raise the (welfare) rent, innercity advocates say
Friday, 31 August 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - In an interview, Housing Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross could offer no policy rationale, nor could provincial staff. "Raising the basic housing allowance is a blanket approach that doesn't necessarily address individual needs," a provincial spokesperson wrote in an ...
Transforming an eyesore into a model society
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - Housing and Community Development Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross said the province is no longer building large-scale residential complexes. Instead, smaller, mixed-income projects are the new goal. And, she said money is an issue. She said she is open to ...
Strong real estate market, funding cuts mean fewer infill and lowincome housing ...
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - The group also met with Housing and Community Development Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross in April to ask the province to set up a fund for smaller non-profits that can't operate within a proposal-call system, but are willing to put more of their own equity into ...
The fix isn't in
Saturday, 18 August 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - The group also met with Housing and Community Development Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross in April to ask the province to set up a fund for smaller non-profits that can't operate within a proposal-call system, but are willing to put more of their own equity into ...
$10M Manitoba village mostly empty
Friday, 20 July 2012
Canada First Perspective - Neither of the two provincial ministers assigned to the Lake St. Martin file, Housing Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross and Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Minister Eric Robinson, was available for comment. Bookmark and Share · Share/Bookmark. < Prev · Next > ...
Most homes in Lake St. Martin interim village empty
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Updated News - ... community with proper infrastructure or amenities. Neither of the two provincial ministers assigned to the Lake St. Martin file, Housing Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross and Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Minister Eric Robinson, was available for comment.
MMF mulls lawsuit over housing contract
Friday, 13 July 2012
Canada First Perspective - Chartrand said he wants an explanation from Housing Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross and will press Premier Greg Selinger for an answer when Canada's premiers and aboriginal leaders meet in Halifax July 25. Failing a satisfactory response, Chartrand said the ...
MMF mulls lawsuit over housing contract
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - Chartrand said he wants an explanation from Housing Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross and will press Premier Greg Selinger for an answer when Canada's premiers and aboriginal leaders meet in Halifax July 25. Failing a satisfactory response, Chartrand said the ...
Official opening of Le Chalet de La Broquerie
Wednesday, 27 June 2012 (blog) - ... Responsible for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the Honourable Kerri Irvin-Ross, Minister of Housing and Community Development.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Gouv. Manitoba - ... des Ressources humaines et du Développement des compétences et ministre responsable de la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement (SCHL), et par l'honorable Kerri Irvin-Ross, ministre du Logement et du Développement communautaire.
Questionnaire Response
Kerri Irvin-Ross - Fort Richmond
Why did you decide to run in the 2011 Manitoba election?
The decision to run was easy. I love my job! I was first elected in 2003 and it has been a privilege to represent local residents and serve the community. It is the most rewarding and gratifying job anyone can ever have.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as MLA?
Before becoming MLA I was a social worker for the Child Guidance Centre, working with youth and families. My experience in helping others - through the buiding of strong and stable communities - it makes for healthy families. I am a strong believer that it takes a village to raise a child.
Is there anything in particular you would like to change in our province? In your electoral division?
I believe that working to build community involvement is work that is never done. Community development is close to my heart and I really believe that many challenges that families must endure as part of life, can be made easier through local involvement in their communities. When individuals come together to work together we can accomplish great things that benefit everyone.
What is one thing you stand for that is not a part of your political party's platform?
My values are the same as my party, Today’s NDP. We share the same vision, we share the same values and the same philosophy - that no one should be left behind and equality is for everyone.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
I bring experience as a cabinet minister, as a social worker, mother and MLA to the job. I’ve worked hard all my life and will continue to work diligently for my constituents, to listen to their concerns and work with the community to build a safer, more prosperous society for all.
What is your favourite location in the electoral division you are currently a candidate for?
Firstly I love all areas of my constituency, but since I have to choose one location, I would say, Kings Park , for peaceful walks with my dogs , while watching families enjoy the beautiful scenery and a fun day out together.
Our questionnaire procedures can be found in our FAQ.