Ian Wishart
2011 Manitoba Election Archive
IMPORTANT: The information below is from the 2011 Manitoba Election.
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News that Mentions Ian Wishart
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MLAs sworn in as new session begins
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Central Plains Herald Leader - For our local MLA Ian Wishart he will also need to continue to keep his ear to the voice of the constituents. The big question also remains, how will the outcome of the Canadian Wheat Board's role affect the local farmer in the Central Plains area. ...
MLAs sworn in as new session begins
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Portage Daily Graphic - For our local MLA Ian Wishart he will also need to continue to keep his ear to the voice of the constituents. The big question also remains, how will the outcome of the Canadian Wheat Board's role affect the local farmer in the Central Plains area. ...
Business Awards honour best in Portage
Friday, 21 October 2011
Central Plains Herald Leader - Some opening remarks were made by Bolton, Mayor Earl Porter, and Portage MLA Ian Wishart before breaking for dinner at 7:00 pm catered by Bill's Sticky Fingers. "This night is about recognizing the businesses and people in Portage and area, ...
Business Awards honour best in Portage
Friday, 21 October 2011
Portage Daily Graphic - Some opening remarks were made by Bolton, Mayor Earl Porter, and Portage MLA Ian Wishart before breaking for dinner at 7:00 pm catered by Bill's Sticky Fingers. "This night is about recognizing the businesses and people in Portage and area, ...
Local MLA has mixed reaction to Throne Speech
Friday, 21 October 2011
Central Plains Herald Leader - Portage la Prairie MLA Ian Wishart said the Province's throne speech did not offer any particular surprises when it was announced Thursday. "Overall, I would say the budget contained very little new, and no reference ...
Local MLA has mixed reaction to Throne Speech
Friday, 21 October 2011
Portage Daily Graphic - Portage la Prairie MLA Ian Wishart said the Province's throne speech did not offer any particular surprises when it was announced Thursday. "Overall, I would say the budget contained very little new, and no reference ...
Portage's MLA Weighs In On Throne Speech
Friday, 21 October 2011
Portage Online - The latest speech from the throne is now history, and Portage MLA Ian Wishart is weighing in on what he heard today in the Manitoba legislature. Wishart says the speech contained very little in the way of anything new and he was surprised there was no ...
Throne speech to be given on Thursday
Monday, 17 October 2011
Winnipeg Free Press - The Progressive Conservatives elected five new faces: Reg Helwer (Brandon West), Dennis Smook (La Verendrye), Wayne Ewasko (Lac du Bonnet), Cameron Friesen (Morden-Winkler) and Ian Wishart (Portage la Prairie). A new speaker also has to be elected to ...
Students have their say in election
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Portage Daily Graphic - Students in the area elected NDP candidate James Kostuchuk with 452 votes followed by Ian Wishart with 152 votes and Michelle Cudmore-Armstrong with 121 votes. Schools that participated included PCI, Yellowquill School, Ecole Arthur Meighen School, ...
Still time to voice one's concerns
Saturday, 08 October 2011
Portage Daily Graphic - The voice of the majority has voted for PC Ian Wishart to be their voice for the constituency, so his job is to see to it their concerns are addressed. During the election debate there was much contention about where the Bipole III line would go and ...