Greg Selinger
2011 Manitoba Election Archive
IMPORTANT: The information below is from the 2011 Manitoba Election.
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Incumbent since 1999

party leader
Greg Selinger incumbent
Political Party: NDP
Phone: (204) 930-4232
Questionnaire: Read Greg's Response
News that Mentions Greg Selinger
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Manitoba's new Opposition leader wins byelection for legislature seat
Wednesday, 05 September 2012
Global Winnipeg - The victory means Pallister will get to sit across from Premier Greg Selinger in the legislature chamber and challenge the premier in question period, instead of sitting in the public gallery. The byelection win does not affect the governing New Democrats' ...
Selkirk Settlers honoured this morning
Tuesday, 04 September 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - Lord Selkirk will be in the city this morning to unveil a plaque to the bicentary of the arrival of the Selkirk Settlers. That's the current Lord Selkirk, Alexander Douglas-Hamilton. He and Premier Greg Selinger will be on the south plaza of the legislative grounds at ...
Politics is in his BLOOD
Tuesday, 04 September 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - 10, Martin officially steps into the job as Premier Greg Selinger's chief of staff, filling a vacancy left by Michael Balagus, who resigned earlier this year. Politics literally runs in Martin's blood -- he is the son of NDP MP Pat Martin and has been involved in politics ...
Premier's damned if he does...
Tuesday, 04 September 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - Is Premier Greg Selinger facing his Conawapa moment? In the early 1990s, former Manitoba premier Gary Filmon had to decide whether to forge ahead with the Conawapa generating station after a $13-billion deal with Ontario to buy the electricity it would ...
Liberation therapy on hold
Friday, 31 August 2012
Brandon Sun - Seventeen months ago, after considerable pressure from people with MS, Premier Greg Selinger committed $5 million to conducting clinical trials on the worthiness of so-called liberation therapy, which unblocks veins in a patient's neck. The province and the ...
Rate shock
Friday, 31 August 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - Premier Greg Selinger should waste no time in doing exactly that. Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition August 31, 2012 A12. Fact Check. Factual inaccuracy? Something missing? Help improve our journalism. News Tip. Know about news?
Unveiling of Pallister's vision may take a while
Friday, 31 August 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - Unfortunately for Pallister, Premier Greg Selinger decided to call the byelection sooner rather than later. On Aug. 3, Selinger called a byelection for Sept. 4. It was not a surprise, per se. But it was an inconvenience. Pallister reacted with robust crankiness, ...
Hundreds cast advance votes in Fort Whyte byelection
Monday, 27 August 2012
Brandon Sun - Premier Greg Selinger called the byelection on Aug. 3 after former provincial PC leader Hugh McFadyen resigned, giving candidates five weeks to campaign in the southwest Winnipeg suburban riding. Leann Smith voted Sunday at the Lindenwoods ...
Ballots cast in Fort Whyte as advance polls open
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Winnipeg Free Press - Premier Greg Selinger called the byelection on Aug. 3, giving each campaign team five weeks to get their message out before voting day on Sept. 4. The byelection was called after former Tory leader Hugh McFadyen resigned. By suppertime Saturday, close ...
NDP keep begging for gruel
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Winnipeg Sun - Like Oliver Twist sheepishly asking for more gruel, Premier Greg Selinger (inset) and the NDP government have put this province in a position where it is reliant on Ottawa's hand outs. (QMI Agency files). Tweet. Change text size for the story; Print this story ...
Questionnaire Response
Greg Selinger - St. Boniface
Why did you decide to run in the 2011 Manitoba election?
Our government has made a lot of progress since the 90’s and I think if we work together we can achieve much more. I want families to have access to health care, quality education, good jobs, and feel safe in their communities.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as MLA?
As a resident of St. Boniface for over 30 years and having raised my two sons in this community I feel passionate about St. Boniface's wonderful and unique qualities as a neighbourhood and its contribution to making Manitoba the wonderful province it is.
Is there anything in particular you would like to change in our province? In your electoral division?
Health care accessibility, opportunities for young people, recreational infrastructure, quality education & keeping Manitoba Hydro publically owned.
Our questionnaire procedures can be found in our FAQ.